A circle is a shape that is found repeatedly throughout the natural world, it is a symbol of perfection, and is acknowledged as an archetype of wholeness and integration. The center of a circle is universally understood to symbolize Spirit - the Source. Labyrinths are sometimes referred to as sacred circles, and have been used all over the world for over 4,000 years, to represent the journey inward and outward. Unlike a maze, a labyrinth is not designed to confuse and is not a problem to be solved. There are no decisions to be made, nor are there dead ends in a labyrinth. There is simply one path in and the very same path out. The single path allows for vulnerability knowing that the journey will take us safely to the center and back out into the world. In this way, the labyrinth holds space for walking meditation, quiets the mind, opens the heart, and reduces stress.

Walking the labyrinth can help with life challenges by providing a place to be centered with our thoughts, it can be a be a tool for meditation or prayer, and can enhance our intuitive, spiritual, and creatives lives.

Throughout the long history of Labyrinths whenever and wherever society is going through rapid change and development, the labyrinth has blossomed…humanity seeks the sure path of the labyrinth in an uncertain and confusing world.
— Jeff Saward